Tuesday 13 June 2023

Priorities from last tutorial 13/6/23

Priorities from last tutorial                                                                                                                      13/6/23

Figure 1: Pictish harp illustrator model for last shot

We just had our latest group tutorial, and we've had several big points come up throughout.  It looks like I'll have to go to Camperdown yet again to get another shot of some more moving shots of the trees for the animated deer to move around.  It also turns out that some of the shots really do need some more colour correcting so we'll really need those seasonal, wintry to autumnal hues for this to make sense.  I've been informed that the narrative flow doesn't necessarily need to make geographical sense so I could have the more urgent scenes start out the film and then work my way towards the more serene moments, even though I did originally write the film to have a geographically logical structure.  The irregular sketch filters have proved to be a bit odd and so I will need to quickly replace these with the filter from the Blue Lightning TV tutorial, which was the first sketch filter tutorial I used for continuity sake.  Finally it was suggested that I try to get rid of the brickwork on the Cox's Stack to make the jute pattern stand out more.

It was a lot to take on, but with enough persistence it's nothing I can't handle.

Priorities for next group tutorial:
  • Finish Mark V cut of Seoras
  • Add seasonal colour correction to film throughout
  • Reduce rumble on boar sequence
  • Practice with new order of sequence
  • Turn off posterize time and clean up rotobrush where needed
  • Redo sketch certain filter shots with original sketch filter method
  • Have Pictish harp image reveal on last shot
  • Remove watercolor filter from new opening shot 
Figure 2: Blue Lightning TV pencil filter tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAz3pdvm3JU

Figure 3: New Boar composite test with reduced rumble

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

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