Wednesday 14 June 2023

New Lookout Point Sequence 14/6/23

New Lookout Point Sequence                                                                                                                     14/6/23

Figure 1: Newest lookout point filter test

This has been a trying day for me when it comes to After Effects, as I enter the stage of crafting the latest edit of Seoras.  The newest, modified opening shot I've added has clocked on thirty more seconds to the runtime, and I feel that the GameBoy filter and comic book filter shot will add to that, and one shot in particular, has been giving me a nightmarish situation on After Effects.  The rotobrush propagation and loading times were getting so frustrating and so unproductive, that I had to start the shot again from scratch.  I've managed to get the masking effect to stay on him the entire time, and make it look as organic as possible.  It was a long process and I had to render the video numerous times, but I'm ultimately happy with the result.  

I still need to get rid of the glasses sequence.

I've also considered a method that addresses some of the criticisms with the flickering footage, in that it had no real progression and just stopped once we entered the areas outside the city centre.  In order to make it progressive, I've considered a method where the first shot starts at an opacity of 100% and then gradually decrease in increments until it's invisible, indicating that the character has become more in tune with the environment.  This should also make the shots easier and quicker to render.

Finally I've made a new version of the Verdant Works Wall sequence, with footage of workers processing jute stems in water.  This shot is less cluttered with detail, and should be easier to make out than the tractor shot.  I've also asked the creator of the video if it's OK if I can use it for educational means and he said yes, so that's definitely a plus for me.  I'll show it to the tutor and see what they make of it.

Figure 2: New Verdant Works wall sequence

Tasks to complete:
  • Finish Mark V edit of Seoras
  • Adjust opacity on flicker shots
  • Add temperature colour-corrections to film 
  • Make assessment video
  • Possibly film new Camperdown shot (again)
  • Update monster reveal sequence

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...