Sunday 11 June 2023

New camperdown shot and Cox's Stack shot 11/06/23

 New Camperdown shot and Cox's Stack shot                                                                                           11/6/23

Figure 1: Cox's Stack composite shot

Figure 2: New Camperdown sequence

These are the new shots I've made for the shots at Cox's Stack and Camperdown using After Effects and the DJI Osmo Pocket.  They are both achieved using panning shots that walk towards an object (namely a tree and the Cox's Stack tower) and have animated projections mapped out onto them using the 3D camera tracker.  I had a bit more trouble trying to place the double discs Easter egg in both of the shots but I am very happy with how they both turned out.   The shot at Cox's Stack was actually a Plan B because I'd originally wanted to do a timelapse shot but didn't have the resources to do it effectively.  Instead I used the DJI Osmo to do some panning shots with the tower's brickwork as the point of focus and managed to create some very effective panning sequences that fit nicely with the animated footage.   I have several other drafts of the shot that can be used for camera tracking if people suggest I try something else.

The shot at Camperdown was filmed with the gimbal attached to my phone via the charging port but I still managed to produce some fluid panning shots.  I tried the shot from two different angles: the first attempt was walking past the trees focusing on the road behind them to simulate a tracking shot with the camera pointed left.  The second attempt was with the camera pointed forward in a POV shot technique that made it look like the figure was moving along the path through the trees.  This shot was the basis for my new Camperdown shot where the trees had the deer animations mapped onto them, happening concurrently to simulate deer moving in a herd, as well as having a deer move across the floor at one point.  This version of the shot is the one that I'm most proud of as it is fluent, eye-catching and focused.  Whilst the tutor did bring up an issue with the a tree being centre stage for no obvious reason, I mainly did that to give me something to focus, and it was recommended I try the shot from a different angle, even though some of my other attempts were a tad overexposed and didn't have the effect I liked the most.  I'll wait for feedback from my peers before I decide where to take this.

Priorities for the rest of semester:

  • Finish Mark IV cut of Seoras
  • Add subtle wintry to autumnal hue in colour correction
  • Complete assessment video
  • Dim backgrounds in flickering figure shots for enhanced contrast
  • Await feedback from peers for further direction
Figure 3: New Comic Book filter test

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...