Thursday 29 June 2023

Follow-up from heavy editing session 29/6/23

Follow-up from heavy editing session                                                                                                          29/6/23

Figure 1: Intensive editing session:  

I've just had my first real, intensive editing session on Seoras, which has been tough, but it was something I definitely needed to finally sort out the tempo issues that have plagued the film so far.  It's been tough and I did very much giggle at times where we had to face some tough truths about certain shots, but excluding the credits, the film is now under six minutes long.  Whilst the audio needs some patching up, and the colour correction is definitely off in the sections in the city centre, the hardest part of the post-production process appears to be over.  That is, unless the tutor finds something else that needs patching up.  I've also managed to get a great deal of screen capture footage of the film editing process for the assessment video.  All around, it's just what I needed.

The soundtrack for the film is patchy, and it was recommended that in addition to getting the extra opening shot, I go to various locations around the city to record simple blocks of non-diegetic audio to make the soundscape more uniform and coherent.  This shouldn't be difficult or too long given the reduced length.  I'll also need to go over the shots one more time, colour-correction-wise, with the tutor sitting next to me so we can figure out how to make the colour scripts more fluent and logical and to make the mise-en-scene looking more visually appealing.  But overall, with enough persistence this should be completed within three days.  As for the alternate cut with the different order of sequence, whilst I do appreciate the suggestions and can see how it might be advantageous, I've ultimately decided to stick to the original order due to its original structure and ultimately, better narrative flow.    We've now officially entered the final stages of film assembly.

Above everything, this experience has taught me the importance of a brutal, strictly essentials-only approach and personality that you need to be a professional editor.  Just a few stray frames can mean the difference between a film hitting the right notes, and not connecting.  I've also had to learn to get rid of some shots that become unnecessary when you really consider the full film and what it entails.  You also really need someone else going over the film with you in order to truly pick out the scenarios that you can easily do away with.    This experience will definitely have to be noted in the assessment video, as external feedback can really make a huge impact on whether or not the film actually works.

Tasks to complete:
  • Record new soundscape for film
  • Film new opening sequence
  • Show new cut to tutor
  • Complete assessment video
Figure 2: Latest version of Seoras as 29/6/23

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