Tuesday 27 June 2023

Follow-up from latest group tutorial 27/6/23

Follow-up from latest group tutorial                                                                                                          27/06/23

Figure 1: Group tutorial:https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/learning-teaching/support/approach/steps-to-teaching-success/images/engaging-students.jpg

I've got my new group tutorial feedback and overall progress has been very good on the project.  People have responded to it very well, but inevitably there are some additional points that need rectifying, such as an issue with the opening shot that still needs some extra footage to truly rectify it.  I've also began to consider if the shot at Camperdown actually needs to be reshot, since it's actually a very effective shot and sometimes I need wonder if I need to be a complete yes-man.  It was suggested that I ditch the original, organic soundscape for the film in favour of something more original and abstract, hopefully like something that could crafted from freesound.org.  I've never personally had a problem with this sort of thing so far but I respect the tutor's points.  I'm sure I could make something useful from this material.

The shot at Dundee Law besides the lava shot was also recommended to have some royalty free smoke put on top and gradually fade in in order to give the initial indication of lava as opposed to just jumping straight into the sequence.  I can easily remedy this in After Effects.  Also, to keep in continuity with the initial opening shot of the alien landing with the purple glow, it was recommended I add a purple hue to the flickering footage sequences in order to better indicate that this is the alien who has just landed, as well as to the ending sequence that will also indicate that the character has come full circle in accepting the environment.  There were also some pretty glaring issues that needed rectifying, such as the tired RAM resulting in flickering on the alien landing sequence, and some black patches in the editing timeline that needed covering.  When I edit this film again, I will need to get someone else to watch it with me for feedback, such as with the off audio on the opening shots that needs some tweaking.  It'll be a tough job going through Seoras with a fine tooth comb but the film will be all the better for it.  

Finally, I need to get the footage of me going over the edit with someone else on Teams recording so I have evidence of me tweaking the film and adjusting clip lengths.  It will be invaluable material for the assessment video.

Figure 2: Latest composite tests for final project

Figure 3: Latest version of Seoras edit

Tasks to complete:
  • Complete assessment video
  • Add purple hues where necessary
  • Go over video editing of Seoras with extra person
  • Film additional shot at Tay Bridge Memorial
  • Add smoke to shot at Dundee Law
  • Fix audio in pre-title sequence
  • Maybe add opacity adjustment on title

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

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