Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Feedback from latest tutorial 04/7/23

Feedback from latest tutorial                                                                                                                    04/7/23

Figure 1: Latest version of Pictish figure sequence

I've just had the latest tutorial on the last cut of Seoras, and business has been booming.  The tutors had very little negative points to mention about the film, and although I will have to add a few points to the film which will bump up the final runtime slightly, it will still be just over half the length it was at the start of the year.  The tempo issue seems to be finally resolved, and I will make sure that the film is submitted to local businesses and museums once I have finally finished editing.  I will also need to make sure that I send a copy of the film and my work to my parents so that they can see it and share it around.  The issues that needed resolving in their eyes included adding an opacity adjustment to the shot with the pictish figure, which definitely improved it, replacing the modified kilt intro shot with the original unaltered version, improving the colour transition on the last shot, and making the credits slightly longer.   I've also rented out a microphone and sound recorder to create the non-diegetic alternative soundtrack to the film which should hopefully iron out some of the main faults, but I think I'll need one more intensive editing session with Duncan in order to really hammer the project home to the best possible quality.  Finally, they also recommended I shave off a part of the VFX footage at the shot on Verdant works, where a bit of unnecessary stuff finds its way into frame.

I've had a bit of trouble editing together my assessment video where the audio clip titles got muddled and clips ended up in the wrong areas on the timeline, but despite some potent frustration, this has been resolved thankfully.  I've laid down the audio track for the entire video, and I just need some extra video clips to finish the first draft of the video.  I must give thanks to my flatmate for helping me with the latest clip of the video which was shot yesterday.  This should hopefully be the glue that binds the opening sequence together.  The next group tutorial is next week, and after that things should be winding down.

Tasks to complete:
  • Finish assessment video
  • Finish last draft of Seoras
  • Continue with job hunt
  • Continue updating blog
  • Invert penguins on station animation shot
  • Make end title sequence to slot in before end credits
  • Give more time to end credits

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...