Friday 2 June 2023

New Tracking Shot for Boar 2/6/23

New Tracking Shot for Boar                                                                                                                            02/6/23

Figure 1: New Boar Composite test with rumble effect

This is the latest Boar composite test that I've made with the recent addition of the rumble effect from the previous still test.  This is the perfect version of the shot, the panning quality is sublime, there is no interruption, the mask works well and the boars appear to be animated fluently.   This camera is so good that I'm going to use it for one more version of the shot at Camperdown, since the panning shots that I most recently took there aren't particularly brilliant and when I tried adding a camera tracker on the shot the animation kept floating around everywhere and it look unbelievably awkward.  I'm going to have redo the shot one last time.  

This shot was made by putting the footage into After Effects, colour-correcting it, applying a 3D camera tracker and then using that to map out the boar animation.  Whilst the 3D-placed animation was initially a bit awkwardly positioned, I managed to get it to move across the panning wall fairly easily, as well as applied a mask so that it disappeared at the wall's end.  I also applied some glow effects to the boars to make sure that the effect popped on screen.   I was very happy with how it turned out.  I added the rumble effect from the previous composition by making a new adjustment layer and adding the transform effect from the previous composition on top of it.  I had to play around with the fog effects to make them look integral to the shot but this wasn't too difficult.

Figure 2: Boar composition in After Effects

Tasks to complete:
  • Apply rotobrush effect to sketch filter shots
  • Cut down reaction time on Dragon shot
  • Experiment with sequence order in alternate cut
  • Redo shots at Camperdown 
  • Complete Cox's Stack sequence with Timelapse camera
  • Reduce flicker wiggle expression on sketch filter shots
  • Get rid of pockets of silence on new edit
  • Complete Mark IV edit of Seoras with feedback applied
  • Add double discs to any remaining animation sequences
  • Add harp reference to end
  • Apply seasonal reference in colour correction (wintry to summery hues)
Figure 3: Latest typewriter shot with 3D camera tracker

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