Monday 5 June 2023

New Rotobrush shots 5/6/23

New Rotobrush shots                                                                                                                                        5/6/23

Figure 1: Lookout point rotobrush test

After a delay to the start of filming due to an issue with fire alarms, I have managed to get back to work rotobrushing my sketch filter shots.  So far today, I have done two shots with a fair amount of success, and both of them take place at the Lookout Point on the Tay Riverside.  The rotobrush effect has been playing up slightly here or there and the propagating process is very slow due to the size of the clip, but I have managed to produce some fairly decent looking effects.  The flickering effect on both shots might still need to be reduced but we are heading in the right direction.  The effect also takes a rather long time to render due to the length of the clip and the intensity of the effect but I'm sure we can find a way to reduce this.

The effect for both of these shots was achieved by making a duplicate of the earlier shot, adding a rotobrush effect to the duplicate, setting the flickering footage beneath it to alpha matte and thus creating the masking effect.  This technique will be applied to the rest of the shots that need it.

Shots to rotobrush:
  • Verdant works realisation
  • Monster reaction
  • Station sequence
  • Kilt sequence
  • Tay stairwell sequence
  • Tay seawall sequence
  • West Ward works wall sequence
Priorities for rest of term:
  • Finish rotobrushing flicker sequences 
  • Add double discs to VFX sequences (including shot at Camperdown)
  • Re-do timelapse sequence at Cox's Stack
  • Re-do panning shot at Camperdown
  • Reduce flickering wiggle expressions
  • Trim down Seoras and reaction time
  • Film additional opening shot at Tay Bridge memorial
Figure 2: Stair-climbing sequence

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...