Monday 22 May 2023

New timelapse test 22.5.23

New time-lapse test                                                                                                                                      22.5.23

Figure 1: Jute compositing test with time-lapse footage

This is the latest test with my Jute animation that I recently filmed and composited.  This shot was relatively easy to render with minimal effects but this time I feel like I have a much more visually engaging backdrop to work of off.  This shot was filmed with the DVX-200 at a low angle looking up at Cox's Stack with some more background material over one hour with the audio removed for obvious reasons in the speeding up.  When it comes time to insert this into the next cut of Seoras, I'll use the unaltered audio from the original shot to make it sound relatively organic.  In order to compress the video to a duration that fit the animation, the video file that was over 50GB in size was sped up over 9900%.  This resulted in some very visually engaging cloud formations and moving trees.  The animation itself was inverted, made into 3D, had a mask on top to keep it contained and a glow/light rays effect to make it appear more visually engaging.  The light rays effect follows the tip of the jute stem as it grows.  Hopefully, this shot will be more well-received than the previous attempt which in retrospect did turn out to be rather unengaging.  This effect was largely inspired by tutor feedback that suggested adding cloud animations to the original shot.

Figure 2: After Effects composition

Shots to complete:

  • Comic book filter shot
  • Game boy filter shot (made to resemble original Game Boy screen)
  • Camperdown trees shot with deeper, wider lens
  • Modified alien landing test
  • New cut of Seoras
Figure 3: Game Boy Filter test

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...