Tuesday 23 May 2023

Comic Book filter test 23/5/23

Comic Book filter test                                                                                                                                    23/5/23

Figure 1: Comic book filter test

This is the latest filter test I've tried out with the footage I already have available.  The look and feel of the shot are meant to be a cultural reference to another one of Dundee's prominent industries - in this case, the comic book industry that most notably consists of Beano and the Dandy.  This filter was done in photoshop where the filters available had much more variety and ease of application.  Whilst the software doesn't necessarily have much keyframe usage, it was the best choice for this particular filter.  The filter involved applying a colour halftone effect, as well as a stroke and inner glow effect around the borders to make the shot look like a comic book panel.  I've also tried applying the effect to a panning shot which would make it more visually engaging.  I will need to check with the tutor to see if the effect is necessary and effective in conveying the reference.

Figure 2: Photoshop file for filter test

Shots to complete: 
  • Moving alien light test
  • Camperdown shot with more depth and wider lens
  • Next cut of Seoras

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