Friday 28 April 2023

New Deer composite shot 28/4/23

 New Deer composite shot                                                                                                                             28/4/23

Figure 1: New deer composition test

I have finished the latest version of the walking deer test for my final project, which was one of the first compositions I tested out.   This test resolves the issue that the tutor brought up previously in that the shot needed more trees to give the animation more area to be visible against.  Whilst it definitely could've benefitted from being shot with a tripod, the shaky cam effect has been reduced by having a warp stabiliser on the frame with only minimal mask animation required.  The deer animation still has a tendency to slide a little bit too much but having more keyframes does smooth out this issue.  I've also added some much needed glow effects to the deer figures which does help them stand out more and the 3D effect and blocking in correlation to the position of the trees has complimented the shot.  I might need to reshoot the scene one more time with the tripod in order to get it completely stable, but I will wait for tutor feedback on this issue.  

This shot might not require additional movement from the camera to be fully engaging, which is the issue with some of the other shots that need redoing.  The original animation might need someone else to look over it because I might have added too many frames in the transitioning movement which does admittedly make it look rather jagged.  Hopefully this issue can be remedied fairly easily.

Shots that have been remedied:

  • Verdant works wall projection
  • Deer composition
Shots that still need to be fixed:
  • Fish bridge composition
  • Cox's Stack composition
  • Whale flying overhead (needs extra details to make the effect more vibrant)

Figure 2: Salmon Composite test

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...