Sunday 25 June 2023

Things to get for assessment video 25/6/23

Things to get for assessment video                                                                                                             25/6/23

Figure 1: Assessment video filming:

At this point in the semester, I would have proceeded to collect information and video for my assessment video since it needs to be 15 minutes in length.  I've already written out a script to work off of and made a title card for the intro.  At this point, the shot at Camperdown still isn't quite perfect enough to meet Sean's expectations and I'm not entirely sure what to do with it given we're in a batch of much-needed rain and the last composition took a good four hours to successfully put together.  If I do go back to it, I'll have to wait for some improved weather and visibility.   For the moment, the main things that I need to get for the assessment video are the BTS footage for the flickering figure shots as well as for Camperdown and Cox's Stack and I need to start recording the voiceover.  I also need to set up the Premiere Pro file for the video and start working on references to add.

I need to redo one or two shots in Seoras in order to make it absolutely perfect and then will proceed to the Mark V cut with the alternate order that Philip suggested.  After that I will proceed to the Mark VI cut which will hopefully be the final FINAL version of the film.  This will be the film that I can put on my website and feel proud about.

Tasks to complete:

  • Finalize Seoras edit
  • Possibly film one more shot at Camperdown
  • Collect footage of rotobrushing
  • Collect footage of crafting shot at Camperdown and Cox's Stack
  • Gather references for end credits
  • Start building reference list

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...