Tuesday 2 May 2023

New Lookout Point shot 2/5/23

New Lookout Point shot                                                                                                                              2/5/23

Figure 1: New snake lookout point shot

This is the newest version of my pictish snake shot projected on the metalwork of the staircase of the lookout point.  Whilst I do like the original version of the shot I created, the movement and flow of the figure was a bit erratic and uneven, so I made a new version using a gif as tracing reference material with enough differentiation to avoid plagiarism.  This version of the animation appears to flow up the metalwork much more fluently, which means that I need a bit more training before I can animate completely on my own.  I've also added some more glow to the shot to have the needed visual panache.  

Figure 2: Second version of snake lookout point

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