Tuesday 16 May 2023

Extra material from cover letter

Extra material from cover letter                                                                                                                16/5/23  

I have always been passionate about continually developing my skills. For example, I have taken the initiative to do evening and online classes in electronics and robotics, and over many years have volunteered on a range of community film projects.  I am known for my exceptional work ethic (100% attendance at school, university and work) and my capacity for self-direction. I moved to Scotland in 2020 in order to start the MSc at Dundee but this was delayed due to Covid. However, I made good use of lockdown by working as a hospital cleaner whilst also studying Maths, Science and Technology with the Open University (Distinction) and also doing an SVQ2 professional cookery course.

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...