Friday 28 April 2023

New Deer composite shot 28/4/23

 New Deer composite shot                                                                                                                             28/4/23

Figure 1: New deer composition test

I have finished the latest version of the walking deer test for my final project, which was one of the first compositions I tested out.   This test resolves the issue that the tutor brought up previously in that the shot needed more trees to give the animation more area to be visible against.  Whilst it definitely could've benefitted from being shot with a tripod, the shaky cam effect has been reduced by having a warp stabiliser on the frame with only minimal mask animation required.  The deer animation still has a tendency to slide a little bit too much but having more keyframes does smooth out this issue.  I've also added some much needed glow effects to the deer figures which does help them stand out more and the 3D effect and blocking in correlation to the position of the trees has complimented the shot.  I might need to reshoot the scene one more time with the tripod in order to get it completely stable, but I will wait for tutor feedback on this issue.  

This shot might not require additional movement from the camera to be fully engaging, which is the issue with some of the other shots that need redoing.  The original animation might need someone else to look over it because I might have added too many frames in the transitioning movement which does admittedly make it look rather jagged.  Hopefully this issue can be remedied fairly easily.

Shots that have been remedied:

  • Verdant works wall projection
  • Deer composition
Shots that still need to be fixed:
  • Fish bridge composition
  • Cox's Stack composition
  • Whale flying overhead (needs extra details to make the effect more vibrant)

Figure 2: Salmon Composite test

Wednesday 26 April 2023

New Verdant works shot 26/4/23

New Verdant works shot                                                                                                                               26/4/23

Figure 1: New Verdant works shot

This is the latest version of the wall at Verdant Works with some new modified footage attached.  This time I've found some legally available royalty free footage which will be usable in the final cut of my project.  I'll most likely have to toy with the blending modes on the glow effect to make it more vibrant and make the footage stand out more.  I'll also need to develop a method with the rotobrush tool that keeps the cut-out area consistent and the sandwiched footage from taking over the whole frame.  Once I install this footage into the new Seoras edit, I will be able to trim it down as necessary.  Currently, the film is nine minutes long, but I am aiming for a runtime of around six minutes which will hopefully give the flow and narrative structure it needs.  I am also in the process of redoing the shots that need updating, and I most certainly need a drone shot for the revamped version of my growing jute stem.

Figure 2: Verdant works:

Priorities going forward (subject to change):
  • Update LinkedIn Profile
  • Get drone shot of Cox's Stack
  • Start submitting job applications
  • Complete new compositions of VFX shots
  • Finish final cut of Seoras


Tuesday 18 April 2023

One last module 18/04/23

One last module                                                                                                                                            18/04/23

Figure 1: Business school final module:

After an extended Easter break, he we are with Semester 3 and the final module of the year, Visual Realisation.  When I last left off the module, I managed to reduce the length of my final project considerably, but I anticipate that more work will need to be done to get it to a short enough length to really make it showreel-worthy and something that I can truly be proud of.  If all else fails, I simply want the final cut of this final project to turn out much better than the final project for my BA degree.  In retrospect, it was no real wonder why the original film didn't quite work with underlit footage, an erratic narrative flow and unprofessional framing.  These faults have been remedied during the production and post-production of Seoras, although I am not entirely to having redo some shots in my full costume for the reshoots given the increased temperatures, but at least this time of year will allow for more shooting hours in natural light.  

I've also tried a new experiment on the Pictish snake section for my final project, since I wasn't entirely happy with the proportions of it and the irregular movement.  So instead I've tried adapting a new version of the animation from a gif where a snake moves and flows graciously, as well as with indicators on how to draw the body.  It will require a fair bit of commitment and time, but I am cautiously optimistic about how it will turn out in contrast to the old version.   

Priorities for last semester:
  • Reshoot required VFX shots
  • Update required visual effects compositions
  • Craft a new website
  • Make a new creative CV
  • Update LinkedIn Profile
  • Make a new showreel for website
Figure 2: LinkedIn profile:

Friday 7 April 2023

Final Semester 2 Update 07/4/23

Final Semester 2 Update                                                                                                                                 07/4/23

Figure 1: End of Semester logo:

I have finished the last draft of my assessment video and the latest draft of Seoras.  There are still issues with it that need to be fully resolved with Seoras, such as the length being shorter but not quite snappy enough and the visual effects and live-action shots needing updating, but I feel that is turning in the right direction and I can better explain the point of the video to the tutor.  Once the Equipment Resource Centre has reopened, I'll make sure I get the Panasonic 4K camcorder again as well as a smaller, more innovative camera that can perform more inventive manoeuvres to get the live-action footage more interesting and usable.  I will also need to update the VFX shots with the necessary additions and potentially redo the animation on one or two shots for a few reasons.  I am also now aware that I will need to do one more assessment video for the end of the year, to fully keep track of my overall progress throughout the degree.  I had hoped to a showreel of my work but the tutor told me it wasn't completely necessary, so we will save that for the careers sessions and the new CV.  I also hope that I can do some more hand drawn animation during the next semester because I do miss it and I hope to get better at it.  There are shots in the film that are still usable and I feel that I made the right call to get a headstart on the project now so I can put more effort and time into it later as well as dedicate time for the last module and the other clubs that I signed up for.  With the days being longer, I also hope that I can get more shots done: I would prefer that the shots that need redoing are the ones that don't need me to be in frame.

Shots that need redoing:

  • Under Tay Bridge beam shot
  • Tree shot for deer
  • Dundee Law bench shot for Lava
  • Dundee Station window shot
  • Cox's Stack shot
  • Verdant Works                
I had to go through five versions of the assessment video in order to get a version that fully adhered to the Tutor's notes.  I did feel that the one before did hit all the notes that I was comfortable with, but I did recognise that I needed to make changes to push it towards the standard it needed to be at.  I had to record some new voiceovers for the last version and I could only do it quietly in a room that had an AC fan in the background, but it is still usable enough.  I also had to get some new footage for the assessment video in order to make it fit with the new voiceover, but now hopefully it has ticked all the boxes, so I have uploaded the video to the OneDrive.  With the last assessment video, I'll try using some more professional equipment in order to truly amp up the sound quality.   I've also had to make a modification to the opening flickering shot where the protagonist is crossing the Tay Bridge with a reduced wiggle expression to make the shot easier to render and less likely to come up with errors.

Figure 2: Final Module mindmap:

Figure 3: GoPro Camera:

Figure 4: Second Assessment Video bibliography

Figure 5: Latest Bridge shot

Figure 6: Monster reveal shot

Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...