Thursday 5 January 2023

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions                                                                                                            05/01/23

Figure 1: New Year's resolutions image:

After a rather long break from work over Christmas, we are now back at college to continue with our MSc's.  My main resolutions for the rest of the year are to make the best final film possible so that I can highlight it on my CV, and then finally get a job where I can officially move out of my parent's house.  It's going to be intense, as it always was.  I also recognise that in addition to the new modules coming up over the next semester, I will need to make the best show reel possible and give my CV and website a complete revamp, as well as update my LinkedIn profile.  

The plan for the filming of my final film is that I will start out at the Tay Bridge memorial, film the first scene there and then head towards each of the locations in my script in chronological order so that the film flows more organically.  I aim to do all of this in one day on January 28th, so that the weather has had a chance to improve and that I can get a grip with my other college responsibilities.  I have found a cameraman for the project: it will be one of my college roommates, and I will use my car for efficient transportation of equipment and craft services.  Once we are finished, I will take my cameraman to a restaurant of their choosing for a wrap party.  I will need to make sure that this happens in one day so we can make time for other projects, shoot within daylight hours, and so we can get this part of the coursework sorted out.  

Once I complete the degree, I will obviously be on the job hunt once again, and whilst I would prefer to reside in a city like Edinburgh or Manchester, I acknowledge that I will most likely have to travel with work and move to anywhere in the country that there's work of my calibre.  I also recognise that of all the people on the course, I might be one of the least ambitious, and my work does not have nearly as much potential as everyone else's.  My endgame from this course is to get a video editor or videographer job at whatever company I can find, and once I can accomplish that, I will consider myself content, especially with the state of the world at the moment.   To do this, I will need to make a captivating but brief showreel and then invest in a new website that will showcase the best of my work to employers.  I probably should've done this task before I started college in September, but I will definitely aim to make up for lost time.

"Typically, a showreel should be around one-minute long, but some filmmakers whittle this down even further to just 45 seconds.  

You could extend this up to two minutes, but be aware that most people you share it with will likely be looking through lots of showreels, and won’t always have time to watch yours from start to finish."

List of animated characters to make

  • Pictish Snake
  • Pictish Boar
  • Lava
  • Pictish Salmon
  • Whale
  • Penguins
  • Pictish Beast
  • Jute growing
  • Deer
  • Kirriemuir Pictish figure


A guide to making a successful showreel (2022) Creative Lives in Progress. Creative Lives in Progress. Available at: (Accessed: January 5, 2023).

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Final blog of degree 26/7/23

 Final blog of degree                                                                                                                       ...