Tuesday 30 May 2023

Tutorial feedback 30/5/23

Tutorial feedback                                                                                                                                             30/5/23

Figure 1: Group tutorial: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fjunkee.com%2Fthe-stages-of-a-12-week-tutorial-group%2F113036&psig=AOvVaw2gukU_HWwxWpSP9ksQ9LqZ&ust=1685540367424000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCLiS36iVnf8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE

The tutorial feedback has come in from the latest group session, and as I predicted, there are some areas that need some serious improvement.  On the whole, the film was well-received and did have some great abstract points, and I can safely say that it's targeted towards an arthouse audience with discerning tastes, and people around my age who are seeking more abstract forms of entertainment.  The wiggle expression on the sketch filtered shots, as it stands, creates an effect that is rather unsuitable for those with photosensitive epilepsy when viewed on a large screen and so it was recommended that I reduce the wiggle expression speed and use the rotobrush effect in After Effects to make it appear like the effect is only on me so that the disorientation effect is clearer.  In order to further express the disorientation effect from the world around him, I've been instructed to add an extra effect to the colour correction where the main protagonist appears to be more vivid and clearer than the world around him, which should be relatively easy to achieve.  

Figure 2: Rotobrush flicker test
This is the test of the suggest effect for the frames where the protagonist is meant to be distorted.  This effect was achieved relatively simply by making a duplicate of the original colour-corrected footage, applying the rotobrush to the areas where I am visible and then using the alpha matte on top of the flickering sketch filter to better concentrate it and make it look like I'm the only one who's disconnected from reality.  The wiggle expression has yet to be reduced, so I will await tutor feedback on this area, but I do know what I have to do to reduce the seizure inducing effect.

Main points of feedback from tutorial:
  • Ditch the glasses
  • Apply a wintry to summery hue in the colour correction for a better indication of narrative progression
  • Reduce the flickering speed of the wiggle expressions 
  • Reshoot wall shot at West Ward Works with clean wall (and add camera movement whilst you're at it)
  • Add camera movement to shot at Camperdown and Cox's Stack
  • Cut shots down to increase speed of reaction
  • Add an additional establishing shot at the beginning for more narrative clarity
  • Reduce the overall length
  • Sort out any areas with random pockets of silence
  • Don't be afraid to cut out clips that just pad the length out
  • Add a reference to the Caird Hall clip at the final shot

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