Going Live Update 30/3/23
Figure 1: Tweenies dance cycle: http://aproductionsltd.blogspot.com/2012/03/dance-cycle.html
After some misadventures with the referencing and rig of the Tinny model I've got to the stage where I can animate him relatively fluently. His feet still aren't perfect and I definitely don't think I could do a standard walk cycle with the model considering the toe placement would ruin it. I've been searching for an animation cycle that I could follow where the character is in place but there is still enough body language to make it interesting. I considered doing a floss dance cycle but that result in the animation feeling dated and rote. I have done a rough floss dance before but I wanted to try something more original. I've tried doing a relatively simple animation where the hips on Tinny swivel from left to right but I will probably need to find a tutorial on how to make this look fluent and professional. I've also found a reference from the Tweenies for a dance cycle which looks like it could easily appeal to a young audience. However the dance was definitely designed for a character with the limbic capability of someone like Tinny so, it's going to look a bit awkward and not as good when Fizz does it. Given the time we have left I might have to just settle for a simple wave animation but hopefully I can give Wild Child something more inventive.
Figure 2: Floss dance animation cycle:https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffreesvg.org%2F1544290622&psig=AOvVaw3smbsK18VyE8j0WwS9cd1_&ust=1680272746160000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCNCSmfPtg_4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
Figure 3: Maya animation attempts with Nikko
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